21/12/08 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 05/04/70

The essence of all points is to become the form of a point.

Do all of you wish to listen or to become complete? Will you have to listen after you have become complete? First you have to listen and then you have to become complete. You have heard so many points. What is the form of all these points that you have to become? The essence or the form of all the points is to become a bindi (a point). The essence of all points is included in a point. So you have to become the form of a point. A point is extremely subtle and everything is merged within it. What is the main effort at present? Your effort at present is to merge the expansion. Those who know the method of merging the expansion become equal to BapDada. You were told previously too that you have to merge and pack up. Those who know how to pack up also know how to merge. Which power does a seed have? That of having the expansion of a tree merged within itself. So, what effort do you have to make now? To stabilise yourself in the seed stage, that is, to merge your expansion. So check this. It is easy to create expansion, but has it become easy to merge the expansion? Nowadays, scientists are also making effort to merge the expansion. Those with the power of science are copying all of you who have the power of silence. Whatever effort the Shakti Army of silence is making, those with the power of science are making the same effort. First the Shakti Army of silence creates an invention, then the scientists create that invention in their own way. Just as it is being refined here, in the same way, science is also being refined. Whatever things they previously used to find impossible, those are now becoming possible. In the same way, impossible things are becoming easy and possible here too. The main effort you now have to make is to bring yourself closer to everyone. It should be just as easy to go beyond sound as it is to come into sound. This is called the stage of being close to the stage of perfection.

Which group is this? Each one of you in this group has your own speciality. Because of that speciality, you have become special souls in the world. You are special souls, anyway. What do you have to become now? You are special, but you now have to become elevated. What will you do in the bhatthi in order to become elevated? This group has one speciality which none of the others had. What is that one speciality? Do you know your speciality? BapDada sees that the speciality of this group is that the level of effort of each of you is similar. Each of you has the enthusiasm in your mind to do something in a practical form. This is why BapDada is giving this group the name of those who are to become deities in the future and those who fulfil BapDada's hopes. And this is the group that can reveal their original form to the world. This is the army that is on the battlefield. All of you are the backbone. So these are the hands who will reveal the task of BapDada. Do you know what ornaments the hands have? The hands of BapDada are holding ornaments. So ask yourself: Am I a hand that is holding an ornament? Which ornaments are you holding while on the battlefield? You know all the ornaments, do you not? So you are the hands who are holding the ornaments. The Shaktis who are holding the ornaments can reveal BapDada. The hands of the Shaktis are never shown empty. If you are holding the ornaments all the time, you will be able to issue a challenge. So what was BapDada seeing today? The ornament and the speed of each hand. What will this group be made to do in the bhatthi? What is the main virtue of the Shaktis?

This group has to learn the yuktis of being fearless and being able to merge the expansion in one second in order to be powerful. Unity and stability: how to change many different sanskars into one pure sanskar has to be learnt in this bhatthi. You must spend less time on something and also speak less, yet there should be greater success. You have to teach this method too. You have to listen to something and become an embodiment of that. It shouldn't be that you listen to a lot and become an embodiment of that to a lesser extent. You must continue to listen and also become an embodiment at the same time. You now have to return having become an image that grants visions, not an image that just speaks. Whoever sees you should see you as subtle and holding ornaments. You have a lot of sense, but what do you have to do now? You have to remain within the essence of knowledge. You have to put the sense into its essence. Only then will you fulfil BapDada's hope in a practical form. You know the essence, do you not? The essential things of knowledge are the essence. If you adopt all the essential things, all the needs will be fulfilled. At present, there is one need or another that has to be fulfilled, but, in order to fulfil these needs for all time, you have to adopt these two essential things that you were told about: to be subtle and to be one who holds the ornaments. In order to become subtle and to hold the ornaments, you just have to adopt one word. What is that one word in which the subtle form and that of holding ornaments are both included? That one word is ‘light’. The meaning of ‘light’ is jyoti (light) and secondly, it is lightness. So there is lightness and brightness; to be the form that is holding the ornaments and also to be subtle, to be the form of light, to be the form of an intense fire, and then to be light and subtle. So the one word ‘light’ includes both aspects. The task is also included in this. What is your task? To be a lighthouse. The form is included in light. The task is also included in that.

BapDada meeting Teachers personally:

Why is a tilak applied? Just as a tilak is applied to the forehead, in the same way, the embodiment of a point is a tilak and it should also be applied constantly. Secondly, the tilak of the future kingdom is also a tilak. You should have the awareness of both. The symbol of that is this tilak. You should have intoxication when you see this symbol. This symbol is given for all time. You were told how to stabilize yourself in the form of the point; in the same way, this tilak is also a point. Do you know how to pack up and to merge? To pack up and to merge is magic. Magicians show some things by packing them and some things by merging them. They pack something very big into something very small. You have to learn this magic. You have to practise this. When you go into expansion, you have to make effort to merge it there and then. Whenever you see that your intellect has gone into a lot of expansion, you must practise at that moment: Am I able to merge all this expansion? Then you will be able to become equal to the Father. The Father is called the Magician. So, what are the children? Embodiments of coolness and embodiments of light. Do you know how to stabilise yourself in being an embodiment of both of these? To be an embodiment of coolness in one moment and an embodiment of light in the next: when you know how to stabilise yourself in both, you will then be able to have a stable stage. Both have to be equal: this is your effort at present.

Why is this flower being given? BapDada is giving in one birth the return of all the worshipping you have done for many births. Those who are unique are much loved. If you wish to be loved very much by everyone, then the more detached you remain in all aspects, the more you will be loved by everyone. There should be as much love as there is detachment. Those who are detached and loving in this way receive support from BapDada. You must continue to become detached and be loved. If you cannot be loved by any particular soul, the reason is that you are not detached from that soul’s nature and sanskars. The more you experience detachment, the more you will be loved by everyone. You do not have to make effort to be loved, but to be detached. The reward of being detached is to be loved. This is the reward of this time. Just as Baba is loved by everyone, in the same way, children have to be loved by the souls of the whole world. You have been told about the effort for that. There will be detachment in their activity. This flower is for becoming completely detached in the world and being loved by the world. This group is also cheerful. What has to be added to that cheerfulness now? How will you become an image that attracts? When your intellect is beyond being attracted by anything, you will then become an image that attracts. While your intellect is attracted to something, you will not be able to attract. Those who become an image that attracts become a subtle image. The father was an image that attracted even while subtle. The more subtle you become, the more you will be able to attract. Just as when those people go beyond earth into space, they go beyond the pull of the world, so when you go beyond the pull of the old world, you will then become an image that attracts even against your conscious wish. Even whilst being in the corporeal form, you have to see everyone as subtle. You receive a lot of power from service. One is the power received through your effort and the other is power received through the service of others. You receive both these powers. How do you receive BapDada's love? Do you know? The more co-operative you become in the Father’s task, the more love you will receive. You receive love by giving co-operation in His task. Do you have this experience? On the day when you are more co-operative than the task requires, do you experience greater love? Be constantly co-operative and be constantly loved. How do you receive regard? The more humble you remain, the more regard you will receive. The more equal you become to BapDada, the more regard you will receive. You have to become humble and equal to the Father. You have to make such effort. There shouldn't be anything lacking in your humility or in your being equal to the Father. Then there will not be anything lacking in the regard for you. You have to recognise your regard from your equality with the Father.

What will you have to become in order to grant a vision of BapDada through yourself? With what are you able to grant a vision of anything? With a mirror. So you have to make yourself into a mirror. Only when you completely surrender yourself can you become a mirror. Complete surrender is an elevated mirror in which you can receive a clear vision. If you have surrendered yourself according to your worthiness and according to your capacity, then the mirror will also be according to your worthiness and according to your capacity. Complete surrender means to surrender even the consciousness of the self. What must you consider yourself? The special task of you kumaris is to grant everyone a vision of BapDada, not just through words, but through your faces. You have to bring about in yourself the specialities that sakar father had. This is a special group. In the sakar form, Baba used to say: This is the group of those who take the initiative like Arjuna who are equal to Allah. So this group has to become equal to Allah. You have to become equal to Allah and show everyone. Just as there is a tilak sparkling on your forehead, in the same way, you have to make yourself sparkle in the world. You have to keep this aim. Because of your being co-operative in service, BapDada also has special love. Together with co-operation and love, you now have to fill yourselves with power. You now have to become embodiments of power. Out of all the powers, which special power does this group have to fill themselves with? Tolerance power. Those who lack tolerance power have less perfection. You especially have to adopt this power and become embodiments of power. Satisfied souls have the special virtues of fearlessness and contentment. Those who remain content and also keep others content automatically have all the virtues in them. The more you become an embodiment of power, the less the weaknesses will remain in front of you. So you must return having become an embodiment of power, not just a Brahma Kumari, but sometimes there is weakness in considering yourself to be a kumari. An embodiment of power has the power to destroy. A Shakti is constantly victorious. There are always garlands of victory around the necks of the Shaktis. When you forget the awareness of your being an embodiment of power, victory becomes distant. This is why you must always consider yourself to be a Shakti.

Children are greater magicians than the Father. Children are greater magicians because they can make the Father into whatever they want. It is remembered that the Father can make whatever He wants, but who are those who can make God into whatever they want? The children; your bringing Him into the corporeal while He is subtle would be called magic. The days of becoming subtle are close and so you have received a lift from the subtle. You have to become equal in both: being an embodiment of knowledge and an embodiment of remembrance. You have to become an embodiment of knowledge when you wish, and you have to become an embodiment of remembrance when you wish. The more you remain an embodiment of remembrance, the more you will be able to remind others of the Father. You have to become the embodiment of remembrance and remind everyone of Baba. Are you waiting for time or is time waiting for you? You must not wait for time. You must keep yourself ever-ready in such a way that the time can come at any moment. You must finish waiting and make all preparations. When you have finished making all your preparations, there is no need to wait. That is called being ever-ready. To be ever-ready in everything, not just in service, but also in effort. Ever-ready in also making your sanskars close to those of the Father. You have special love, and Baba is therefore talking of things that will make you special. What are the new flowers and leaves on a tree like? The first ones are old, but those that emerge later are very beautiful. So you have also come late, but are very much loved. The ones that come later are very soft. What is there in being soft here? The softer you are, the warmer you are. If you are just soft, someone may be able to snatch you away. Together with being delicate (komal), you must also show wonders (kamal). When there is the combination of being delicate and showing wonders, you will be able to show wonders. This entire group is one that can show wonders. Keep such an aim that you can show any wonder. There are the older ones, but the younger ones are equal to Allah. Whatever actions you perform, so you will be named accordingly. If you perform elevated actions, you will be given the name of elevated jewels. Elevated jewels have to perform all actions in an elevated way. Through your thoughts, words and deeds, it is essential to be easy-natured and tolerant. If you are easy-natured but not tolerant, you cannot be said to be elevated. This is why you need to be easy-natured and tolerant at the same time. If you become easy-natured without being tolerant then that would be counted as being too innocent. If you have tolerance as well as being easy-natured, you would be called an embodiment of power. Shaktis need to have both the virtues of being easy-natured and tolerant. In the result of the present time, it is seen that sometimes you are more easy-natured and sometimes you are more tolerant. Now, you have to become equal in both of these. There has to be sweetness and also the form of power. You see many pictures of the goddesses and what have you seen in them? To the extent that they are the form of intense fire, so they are also cool. Their task is of the volcanic form, whereas their faces are of coolness. This is the final form. Achcha.